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Number10 petition

This is a both a tongue-in-cheek petition and a test of the petition script I am using. But I figured some people might actually want to sign it – especially if they have tried to set up a petition on the Number10 website. The concept and the software (developed...

We want to believe (in aliens)

One thing I have noticed from the media frenzy surrounding the possible UFO encounter at an Ecotricity Wind Farm last weekend, is that the general public do want to believe in aliens having a destructive influence on our planet, but do not want to believe that humans...

More people power

Just saw this story about an energy generating revolving door tweeted by inhabitat – what a great idea! When are we going to see energy generating childrens playgrounds and gyms that generate power rather than use it?

How civilised

I just saw this video which was referred to on Keith’s ‘Unsuitablog’ I love this video – and it pretty much sums up why I feel so uncomfortable with the level of greenwash that we are subjected to on a daily basis. The whole...